03SEP24 - Day One vs Yesterday Mindset - Last Friday, we hosted a Leaders Lunch with some of our clients with a sharing from my good friend Bob Hunter about his time in the SAS. Another friend, Mike Needham, from Amazon was also present.
Mike shared the well-publicised ‘Day One’ mindset at Amazon, where everyone is required to be bold, agile, long-term and customer-focused. Not falling into ‘Day Two’": stasis, followed by irrelevance, decline and death.
Bob’s sharing was similar but different - talking about his SAS mindset that ‘yesterday was the easiest day’ - tomorrow will be challenging.
In many ways, this is really our greatest challenge to maximise our talents incrementally each day; to rely on the miracle of the compounding effect of our improving habits; and to remain vigilant and agile avoiding atrophy…which ultimately results in death.